$30,000 Top price Hereford Bull Northern Lights N003
Double deck has been a corner stone for our breeding programme, breeding progeny with growth, capacity, very sound legs and feet and exceptional temperament. This is by no surprise as he is by one of the successful stories in the angus breed, Admiral A2 and out of the cow of her time in the Merribrook herd, Ester U108.
A great bull for thickness, length and a perfect temperament. We ask a lot from this bloke with an autumn and a spring joining and he always comes in in good shape and ready for more. Genuine calving ease with growth, above breed average scrotal and good EMA and IMF means Columbus is a high indexing sire.
Flat boned muscular bull with length, quality and smoothness through the front. By heavy sire Devon Court Advance and from a particularly attractive female. Excellent carcase data of EMA and 1.2 IMF.
David and Serena Black had the top selling weaners making $1200 a head at the Gloucester 20th April sale. Many were from their Curracabark branded females.April Sale
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